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Before we start talking about toxins, parabens, formaldehyde and other anxiety-provoking topics, there’s one very important thing I want all of my listeners to know… Click play on this episode before you listen to anything else!



Welcome to The Clean Living Podcast and I’m your host Shannon Lohr. I’m an entrepreneur, a mother and a consumer who thinks a lot about what I buy — especially when it comes to home, food and beauty. After 10 years of doing this research on my own, I realized it should be easier and more accessible for people to learn about healthier and more sustainable living. I created this podcast so that I can encourage one small change in mini, easy to digest episodes that are under 10 minutes.

Before we get started, though, I want to share something that all of my listeners need to know:

If you stick around long enough, you’re going to hear me talk a lot about some potentially anxiety-provoking stuff: words like toxins and phthalates and formaldehyde don’t exactly make for easy listening.

If you find yourself feeling anxious because let’s say, I’ve just told you that you’ve been swiping aluminum under your arms for 20 years, it’s important to know this:

Your body has the amazing ability to change — and not only to change, but to heal itself. If there’s anything I’ve learned from listening to holistic doctors, naturopaths and scientists, it’s that our bodies can regenerate in extraordinary ways.

So, let’s say you’ve been using traditional cleaners, like windex and Fantastik, for decades. I’m telling you, it’s never too late to switch over to non-toxic cleaning supplies. The same goes for makeup, shampoo, clothing and most of the other things I’m going to be talking about.

I’m going to teach you what I’ve learned, the products I avoid, the products I suggest switching to and I want you to remember that there’s no shame or guilt if you’ve been using a product I tell you to avoid. My goal is to empower you to change one small thing each time you listen to an episode, so you and your family can live cleaner and healthier lives.

We can undo what conventional products have done to us — and that’s what I want you to remember if you decide to take this journey with me.

If you’re ready to get started, go ahead and click on the next episode.


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